What does a typical SEO growth journey look like?

The Beginning (0-6 months):

The first 6 months of any SEO effort are almost always exclusively dedicated to fixing mistakes, fine-tuning, and closing the gap between what your website has in place and current SEO best practices.

Once completed, these efforts can have ongoing and compounding benefits for years to come. The newly accessible and optimized pages start earning rankings and traffic, which foster more links, more exposure, more sharing, and more business.

The Turning Point (6-18 months):

Eventually, the list of actionable, immediate fixes and optimizations depletes. At this point, your website will hit an “SEO Plateau.”

In order to reach the next growth plateau (between campaign months 6-18), you must invest in new strategies, such as:

  • New Keywords & Content
  • New Verticals & SERP (Search Engine Results Page) Features
  • Additional SERP Domination
  • Moving Up the Buyer Funnel
  • International/Multi-Language Targeting
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